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Xanax Withdrawal

A lot of people end up abusing Xanax. It is one of the most known prescription medications, especially among people who are dealing with mental health problems. The drug is commonly prescribed for individuals who have anxiety or insomnia.

Xanax is a drug that should not be used for extended periods. It is meant to be used for a short amount of time. If it’s consumed in the long term, the user can develop an addiction, and it will be almost impossible to quit the drug afterward.

Xanax addiction can be tough, and what makes it worse is that if the user tries to quit, they will deal with withdrawal. Unfortunately, withdrawal makes it even harder to give up on Xanax. The symptoms may be so painful that the person will think they have no choice but to relieve the symptoms by using Xanax again.

Anyone who deals with Xanax withdrawal should get immediate help.

Xanax Explained

Xanax is a medication meant for individuals dealing with insomnia or mental health issues. The mental health issues that may require Xanax include panic disorder and anxiety disorder. Sometimes, it is even used for seizures and muscle spasms, although when it comes to the latter, there was no approval from the FDA.

Xanax is a benzodiazepine drug, also known as alprazolam. Whereas it is great when used for medical purposes, it can quickly turn into an enemy if used for too long. Addiction may start, and it can be extremely difficult to get rid of it.

It may only take a few weeks for someone to become addicted to Xanax, and it can happen to both people who use it with a prescription or without a prescription. It can be addictive due to the calming effects it can provide.

When they try to give up, the addicts will experience withdrawal. Therefore, medical detox will be necessary to manage this issue.

Experiencing Xanax Withdrawals

Withdrawal is what happens when someone’s body gets used to a drug, but it suddenly doesn’t get the regular dose anymore. It occurs because the person builds a tolerance to the drug’s effects as they keep using it. Therefore, they need the substance on a daily basis.

If there is no more Xanax, the body will start experiencing very uncomfortable symptoms. The symptoms may be mild in some individuals and very severe in others, depending on various factors. What’s more, symptoms can be physical and mental, and usually, someone will get a mix of both.

Giving up on Xanax is challenging exactly for this reason. The symptoms are so painful that the user will do anything to find relief, which sometimes means that they will start abusing Xanax again. Giving up on Xanax is something that takes time and requires some determination from the addict. Usually, addicts will have to give up on the drug slowly while being monitored during rehab.

Treatment For You

Get help with anxiety, depression, or any other debilitating mental health issues.

Treatment For A Loved One

If you aren't interested in group-styled therapy, try our individual therapy. 

Risk Factors for Withdrawals

Some people are more likely to experience bad withdrawal than others. Certain factors influence not only the likelihood of experiencing withdrawal but also how bad the symptoms are going to be.

For example, pregnant women will be at a higher risk of experiencing withdrawal. Moreover, individuals who have certain mental health conditions may also be more likely to go through withdrawal if they had a Xanax addiction. Severe rebound effects have a higher chance to occur as well.

Not to mention that withdrawal is more likely to happen in people who have been abusing Xanax for longer periods, especially if they took high doses. When the body and mind are already used to Xanax, it will be harder to ditch the habit as withdrawal will take over with its painful symptoms. 

Physical Signs of Xanax Withdrawals

When someone has a physical Xanax addiction, it means that they can only function normally if they take a certain amount of the medication. If the person is not monitored by a medical professional, quitting Xanax can lead to a lot of physical symptoms that cannot be handled alone.

Common physical symptoms of withdrawal include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Tremors
  • Memory impairment
  • Losing weight
  • Muscle pain
  • Delirium
  • Headache
  • Hypertension
  • Changes in the way the person perceives smell
  • Numbness in the fingers
  • Blurred vision
  • Appetite loss
  • Arms and legs tingling sensation
  • Heart palpitations
  • Fever
  • Too much perspiration
  • Sound and light sensitivity
  • Cramps
  • Insomnia

How Long Does Xanax Stay In Your System?

Learn about the timeline for Xanax in your system here.

Xanax Timeline

Psychological Signs

Xanax withdrawal also brings some psychological signs to the table, mainly because the drug has a direct impact on someone’s brain. If a Xanax addict suddenly stops using the drug, they may deal with psychological symptoms such as:

  • Irritability
  • Heightened senses
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Confusion
  • Tension or nervousness
  • Restless sleep
  • Insomnia
  • Fear and paranoia
  • Panic
  • Distancing themselves from friends, family, or hobbies
  • Suicidal thoughts

Timeline for Withdrawals

Withdrawal is different for everyone, but it will usually happen in a few stages. Some stages will be worse than others. How someone deals with withdrawal will vary, but for the most part, the withdrawal process follows the same steps:

  • 6-12 Hours – The withdrawal begins 6-12 hours after you last consumed Xanax. During this stage, the individual will start experiencing symptoms like anxiety and insomnia.
  • 1-4 Days – The symptoms will be the worst during this stage. The anxiety and insomnia will continue, but they will also team up with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea among others.
  • 5-14 Days – In this stage, symptoms slowly start to go away, although they may still linger for a while.
  • After Two Weeks – The last stage involves the return of the withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety and other rebound symptoms. It is sometimes the hardest one because it increases the risk of relapse.

Treating Xanax Withdrawals

Usually, someone experiencing withdrawal will have to go through medical detox. Detoxification is done under the supervision of healthcare professionals. To make sure withdrawal is avoided or managed, one will have to gradually give up on Xanax rather than quit “cold turkey”.

Apart from detox, an individual may also have to go to therapy for long-term treatment and for learning how to avoid triggers. It’s important to find treatment to avoid relapses and certainly the risks of overdosing on Xanax.

Call On Real Deal

Real Deal is great at helping you take care of your mental health and your body once you decide you want to give up on Xanax. We can help you go through detox to get the drug out of the system, and we will do it slowly to prevent severe withdrawal.

Apart from that, we also have individual therapy available, so we will also offer patients the “tools” they need to move forward without the Xanax addiction.

Always be quick to call for help if you or someone you love struggles with a Xanax addiction or withdrawal. They need medical help, and they need to get it ASAP.

Visit Us Anytime.

1251 S. Sherman Suite 108

Richardson, TX 75081
