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Chronic Alcoholism

Consuming alcohol is not abnormal. People at weddings, parties, or other social gatherings drink alcohol in order to have a good time. However, alcohol consumption can become bad when it’s a daily occurrence and when the individual drinks more than normal.

Sometimes, people use alcohol to cope with certain things in their life, whereas others simply end up slowly developing an addiction. Once someone deals with chronic alcoholism, things are not fun anymore. Not only can chronic alcoholism affect every area of a person’s life such as work, friendships, or relationships, but it can also have a destructive effect on someone’s health. Not treating it on time can be extremely dangerous and may even result in the death of the individual.

Explaining Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a simpler term for Alcohol Use Disorder. It represents alcohol addiction, the act of drinking more than it’s safe to do. Although Alcohol Use Disorder is the official term, people who are not medical professionals commonly use the word “alcoholism”. Also, there are different aspects that fall under Alcoholic Use Disorder, like alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, and alcohol addiction, for instance.

When dealing with alcoholism, a person is unable to control their addiction or stop drinking alcohol altogether. They are usually well aware of the complications this might bring yet continue to drink.

If the addiction continues, the individual may develop issues with the heart, liver, brain, immune system, or pancreas. Mental issues may also appear, with the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome being one of the most common ones.

Alcoholics might also get themselves into trouble or do risky things. They may drive under the influence of alcohol, start fights, and do many other things. As a result, they could end up dealing with legal problems and having to take DUI classes.

Alcoholism makes addicts crave alcoholic drinks all the time, at any point of the day. It also makes them consume large quantities of alcohol. Drinking alcohol becomes a habit, and not having the substance could cause withdrawal symptoms, which is what often makes an addict keep drinking. The alcoholic has a high alcohol tolerance, causing them to consume more and more. 

There are three different levels of alcoholism, respectively mild, moderate, and severe. Regardless of what alcoholism level someone has, they need to reach out to professionals in order to put an end to their addiction before things get worse.

How Alcoholicism Becomes Chronic

Alcoholism becomes chronic slowly. It gets like that over time, and there are 5 stages that the individual goes through before things get critical. Alcoholism becomes chronic when the addiction has been going for over a year without seeking treatment.

The 5 stages that result in chronic alcoholism are as follows:

The 1st Stage – In this stage, things are still not that bad. The individual is occasionally abusing alcohol, either at different events they attend or at home when they feel down. At the same time, things can be risky for the person. When intoxicated, people can do lots of dangerous things, and this is something 1st stage alcoholics do.

The 2nd Stage and 3rd Stage – These are the stages where the body has already adapted to regular alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol becomes normal. The alcoholic drinks a lot in order to cope with sadness, stress, or other aspects of real life. However, alcohol does not help these issues at all.

The 4th Stage – When already in the 4th stage, the person has developed an alcohol addiction and cannot stop. Right now, it seems like the entire life of the individual focuses on alcoholic drinks. At this point, the person might know how alcohol is affecting their health or other life aspects, but they are unable to stop. The chemistry of their brain has suffered transformations because of how much alcohol was consumed, making the body tolerant and resistant.

The 5th stage – This is the last and most severe step of alcohol addiction because the person has already formed a “relationship” with alcohol and it’s hard to break them up. There are already physical and emotional alcohol cravings.

The Signs and Symptoms

Signs of chronic alcoholism will be obvious, especially to outsiders. When someone is addicted to alcohol, they are unable to control their alcohol consumption anymore. They will show signs such as:

  • Being unable to stop drinking
  • Drinking despite it being unsafe
  • Drinking regardless of the time of the day, the responsibilities they have to take care of, or who they have to meet during that day
  • The addiction developed over time
  • The individual consumes large quantities of alcohol daily
  • If the addict attempts to stop, there are severe withdrawal symptoms

The Benefits of Getting Help

Recovering from alcoholism can bring many benefits to the table. Even if the first step is the hardest one, what comes after recovery is worth getting help. You will achieve a healthier weight, better mental health, better immunity, better thinking and memory, and better nutrition. What’s more, the risk of developing different issues like cancer is decreased, and it’s also more unlikely to pass away from alcohol.

Why Should You Get Treatment?

Treatment is the only way to escape chronic alcoholism. Quitting alcohol can lead to withdrawal symptoms which are hard for the addict to manage on their own.

Furthermore, not getting treatment can lead to the individual causing permanent damage to their body or mind. Medications will help the person reduce their drinking and prevent a potential relapse. The individual can also get behavioral treatments, so they change their drinking behavior.

Why Real Deal?

Real Deal offers you a chance to change your life. The program allows you to live in a healthy, quiet environment where you can focus on learning new things, getting a new job, and transitioning back to normal life without it being too overwhelming.

You will be part of an amazing community and get support from specialists and people dealing with the same issues. Real Deal ensures you are away from temptations and keep following your treatment. It will offer you peace of mind through the sober living programs and ensure you achieve happiness once again.

Chronic alcoholism shouldn’t be left untreated. Seek help now to start working on the issue as soon as possible!

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1251 S. Sherman Suite 108

Richardson, TX 75081
