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Addiction Treatment Center for Aetna Insurance

The stress of rehabilitation is very high. The idea of navigating your insurance company during this time seems entirely impossible. You question whether or not you are covered. It is only natural to be nervous in finding out the answer.

With this page, we will apply that question to Aetna. We will also be providing some ways to confirm that your insurance coverage will work for you.

Getting Help for Your Addiction

If you have Aetna, you likely know that they have a pretty vast network of doctors. As a result, there are a lot of options that could work for your situation. Finding a doctor that you trust in your system is going to be necessary.

Also, Aetna offers a variety of plans and deductibles. You can find much of this information on your card, but you probably want to call in to explore the details. You can also read your contract, which will contain the finer details of what you are looking for.

Does Aetna Pay for Drug Treatment?

The short answer to your question is yes. But like most insurance policies, the type of coverage will be determined by your policy contract.  If we are looking for promising news, Aetna made an announcement in 2012 on providing coverage for drug rehab.

In that announcement, they also made a statement to expand protections for those addicted to prescription drugs. Their partnership with the CRC Health Group includes its drug rehabilitation centers in the states of Texas, California, and South Dakota.

What Does Aetna Usually Cover?

Aetna’s process includes Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). The process is the very beginning of any drug treatment program, which has a high potential to be included given the 2012 announcement. We will go into the details of the process below.

Screening: Doctors will use standardized tools under the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) and the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST). These are proven tools that are used by all doctors. Screening also has the potential to be reimbursed based on their website.

Signs of A Great Center: This includes five counseling sessions for those who show risky behavior for drug and alcohol abuse.

Referrals to Treatment: Providing additional treatment resources to those who need them.

Learning The Basics of Recovery

The basics of recovery come down to a five-step process from While others can add or remove steps, this gives us a robust framework to build off of.

Step 1: Create a New Life

While this by itself is a vague statement, the idea behind this step is to surround yourself with situations that do not urge you to take drugs. This will mean avoiding your friends, who would encourage your addictive habits. They mention an acronym called “HALT,” which stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.

When you are not taking care of yourself, you are more likely to engage in negative behaviors. These include not eating or sleeping well, not joining your friends, and getting into situations that make you angry.  All of these stressors can potentially bring you back to seeking an alcohol- or drug-induced comfort zone.

Step 2: Ask For Help

There is a great deal of strength in admitting you need help. This step will encourage you to surround yourself with this help. It mentions a “recovery circle,” which is a group of people also going through a similar process. Addiction can be incredibly lonesome; it will be useful to find people who understand where you are coming from. Good examples of this include self-help groups.

Step 3: Be Honest

In the beginning, it will be easy to fall back into old habits. Many of those habits involve lying to people for a variety of reasons. Maybe you want to protect them or not make them worry. This isn’t going to help you.

To find yourself on the path of recovery, you need to be honest. By being honest with your doctors and your support, you will give them and yourself the most significant opportunity to be helped. Even if you trip, honesty will help you recognize this with greater ease.

Step 4: Self Care

If you do not allow yourself to relax and escape, you find yourself failing the HALT acronym. If you are stressed, there is no shame in taking a moment to take care of yourself. Without this moment, you do not allow yourself to be the best at what you do. You can meditate, listen to calming music, or go through any process you want.

Step 5: Don't Negotiate Your Treatment

Everything that you have done to this point has been hard work. When you go down this path, there is no going back. The parts of your treatment that are the hardest cannot be up for debate. The thing about drug addiction is that you cannot go halfway; it is an all-or-nothing deal. Don’t leave any of that up for negotiation with anyone.

Find Long-Term Recovery

Rehabilitation is an extensive process that can be incredibly anxiety-driven when including insurance. Through a frank discussion with Aetna and reading over your contract, you will be better prepared for anything that is thrown at you.

Through a robust framework of decisions and plans, Aetna’s process of finding the best option for you is clear and concise. With this process followed, you will find success in any drug rehabilitation.

Aetna Insurance FAQ's

Below are some quick answers to frequently asked questions about Aetna.

The prior three areas in this process are mainly for those who are exhibiting behaviors. If a doctor determines that you are to be best assisted by going through an inpatient rehabilitation near you, they will discuss the details with you. There is often a deductible or a high out-of-pocket cost for inpatient and residential procedures. Nonetheless, we are fully in-network with Aetna and accept all Aetna policies!