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Suboxone Treatment

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Suboxone Treatment

Suboxone use is increasing, mainly due to a boost in opioid addiction. Over the years, people have discovered the effects of opioids and started seeking them, with numerous individuals becoming addicted to these substances. As such, Suboxone became the hero that people needed – it can help a person quit their addiction without experiencing the repercussions of quitting cold turkey.

Doctors prescribe this medication for those dealing with bad cases of drug addictions. Patients replace opioids with Suboxone, which they slowly taper off until they no longer crave any substance.

This treatment can surely be useful, but not all cases of Suboxone use have a happy end. This is because some individuals become addicted to Suboxone itself. Therefore, they may need to go through detox to escape this addiction.

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is a medication made from naloxone and buprenorphine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved it for medical use. Since 2002, people experiencing severe opioid addictions have received this effective treatment.

Suboxone is a Schedule III controlled substance. It can be obtained under prescription from a certified healthcare professional. Also, the Suboxone treatment should start under supervision.

The buprenorphine in its composition has the ability to block opioid receptors. It is a partial opioid, which means that Suboxone still contains an opioid to a certain extent. However, its effect is nowhere as intense as the effect of opioid drugs. In fact, it can reduce opioid cravings.

Then, there is naloxone, which reverses the effects of opioids as it is an opioid antagonist. Working with buprenorphine, it can aid people in stopping opioid consumption so that they can return to normal life

Treating Addictions WIth Suboxone

Opioid addiction requires proper treatment, and Suboxone is very effective in helping someone reduce their cravings. What’s great about it is that it can also keep withdrawal symptoms at bay and make sure the individual does not go back to abusing opioids during or after the treatment.

Usually, people need to use the medication for a certain amount of time depending on the severity of their issue. It will all be influenced by the treatment prescribed by the doctor and how the patient reacts to the treatment. Therefore, the experience will not be the same for everyone.

In some individuals, Suboxone acts as a calming agent, one that decreases stress and anxiety. Because of this, it makes it easier for addicts to quit opioids.

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Explaining The Doses

Suboxone can either be taken as a tablet or as an oral film. The tablets and films can be placed underneath the tongue, where they dissolve and give the desired effects. Oral films can also be placed between the gums and cheek, where they will go through the same process.

Suboxone comes in varying strengths, and each person will be prescribed a certain Suboxone strength and dose. As the treatment progresses, the patient will gradually taper off the medication, in the end being able to give up on it.

 The medication comes in the following strengths:

  • 4 mg buprenorphine and 1 mg naloxone
  • 2 mg buprenorphine and 0.5 mg naloxone
  • 12 mg buprenorphine and 3 mg naloxone
  • 8 mg buprenorphine and 2 mg naloxone

What Are The Side Effects?

Aside from the positive and pleasant effects of Suboxone, the medication may also result in some side effects. They range from mild to serious depending on the case. The side effects that one may experience during Suboxone consumption include:

  • Sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Back pain
  • Anxiety
  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Liver damage
  • Depression
  • Hormone problems
  • Nausea
  • Coma
  • Headache
  • Burning tongue
  • Sleeping problems
  • Breathing problems
  • Abuse or addiction
  • Opioid withdrawal
  • Weakness

Mild side effects usually go away by themselves, and no medical intervention is required. However, when the person experiences more severe side effects, medical attention is necessary. Not seeking help for these issues could be very dangerous.

Suboxone Safety

When someone uses Suboxone, whether it’s under prescription or not, they should refrain from mixing it with alcohol or other drugs. This is because the combination could lead to severe side effects. In worst-case scenarios, it may even be fatal.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use Suboxone without talking to a doctor first. Even though Suboxone is thought to be safe for pregnant women, it’s best to speak to a healthcare provider before doing anything.

Not to mention that Suboxone users should stay away from driving or using machinery when they first start taking the medication. It may be dangerous to do so without knowing how the substance affects them.

Suboxone Withdrawal and Overdose

Suboxone can be addictive for some people. When used as opioid addiction treatment, it basically replaces the opioid with a weaker one. As a result, the individual relies on Suboxone, and this may lead to addiction.

For this reason, they should decrease the dose gradually with the help of a healthcare professional. This doesn’t happen all the time, as some people use the medication illegally. It can lead to an addiction, which causes withdrawal when the person stops using Suboxone.

There is also a risk of overdose in people who don’t use it on prescription. Overdoses can be treated, but it’s better to avoid them by only using Suboxone under prescription and respecting the doctor’s instructions.

Getting Treatment

Suboxone addiction can be treated in a rehabilitation center. The user will be aided in tapering off the medication until it is no longer an issue. A doctor or another healthcare professional will supervise them during this process.

Apart from detox, Suboxone addicts may also need to go through therapy. It will help discover and treat potential mental health issues that made the addiction worse or that can make the patient relapse.

Why Should You Choose Real Deal?

Real Deal can help you if you are dealing with an opioid or Suboxone addiction. Not only do we offer detox, but we also provide individual therapy for people experiencing anxiety, depression, or other mental health problems.

We focus on what’s important, which is the well-being of our patients and their future. Therefore, we work as hard as we can to make sure we reach a happy outcome – helping you quit your addiction.

Opioid and Suboxone addictions should be treated as soon as possible. Make sure to contact our rehabilitation center if you or someone else is dealing with any of these issues.

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1251 S. Sherman Suite 108

Richardson, TX 75081

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