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Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Sad alcoholic withdrawaling

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcoholism is something that many people struggle with. In fact, one in eight people in America is dealing with an alcohol use disorder. Alcohol addiction can negatively affect one’s life, just as the withdrawal symptoms may affect their health. With that in mind, you need to learn about alcohol withdrawal symptoms in order to get help and recover.

What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is the inability to abstain from drinking alcohol, also referred to as alcohol use disorder. This addiction to the substance prevents the person from controlling their consumption, which may result in drinking high and unhealthy amounts of alcohol. Alcoholism can negatively affect any person physically, socially, and mentally, particularly if they have been drinking for a very long time.

The Signs and Symptoms of Withdrawals

When a person stops drinking, they will begin to feel a series of symptoms as the alcohol exits their body. These symptoms may begin in as little as 5 hours and last for as long as 5 days. These are the symptoms that may be associated with alcohol withdrawal:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting
  • Insomnia or an inability to stay asleep
  • Tremors and anxiety
  • Gastric problems
  • Feeling flushed, but the skin is cold to touch
  • Lower body temperature
  • Excessive thirst
  • Heart palpitations and increased blood pressure
  • Weakness and overall feeling fatigued
  • Inability to properly concentrate on anything
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Appetite loss
  • Shakiness and sweating

Depending on how advanced their alcoholism is, some people will only experience a couple of these symptoms. However, the more advanced the alcoholism is, the worse the symptoms will be. Factors such as the quantity consumed, the type of alcohol, your genes, and overall health may also influence the symptoms.

The Effects of Alcohol Withdrawal

When your body becomes physically dependent on the substance, it will slowly begin to adapt to the presence of that substance. For your body, it will become the new normal. However, once you stop drinking, your body is once more thrown off its “normal” scale, causing you a variety of side effects.

Once alcohol withdrawal begins, it will once more start adapting to the absence of alcohol from your body. Your organs will work in overdrive, trying to stabilize themselves. For example, during withdrawal, your heart tries to pump more blood – making your blood pressure and heart rate go up. For someone with cardiovascular comorbidity, this can prove very dangerous.

During withdrawal, your brain also stops creating normal levels of dopamine. This is because your body gets used to producing it during the influence – which is why, in its absence, the brain no longer knows what to do. The effects of alcohol withdrawal are of mental and physical nature alike, which is why you need to get treatment.

Benefits of Getting Treatment

Getting treatment for alcoholism is something that many people may avoid. Some individuals may be in denial about the fact that they have a problem. Others believe that getting into rehab will put something of a stigma on them. However, this is why you should not be so quick at dismissing the idea of treatment:

You’ll Get Through the Symptoms Easier and Safer

When you are going through alcohol withdrawal, you might feel a series of uncomfortable symptoms that not even your usual OTC pain medicine will be able to help. However, a rehab center will know exactly what to use in order to keep your symptoms under control. This is recommended for people with existing conditions, as withdrawal symptoms may be very dangerous.

You’ll Prevent a Relapse

Most alcoholics have one way to fix their withdrawal symptoms: another drink. An alcoholic will probably be aware of the fact that their sickness is because the alcohol is exiting their system. If you get treatment, you may get your cravings under control enough to prevent a relapse.

You’ll Get Support

The most difficult part about going through withdrawal without any help is that you’ll be all alone in this journey. However, if you get treatment, you will receive support as well. Rehab provides medical stabilization, peer support, and therapeutic treatment that will help get you through the withdrawal process.

Finding The Right Treatment

When going into a treatment center, you first need to determine whether you require inpatient treatment or outpatient. With inpatient treatment, you will be staying at the rehab center and receive around-the-clock treatment and supervision. This is often recommended in end-stage alcoholism.

With outpatient treatment, you can take your treatment at home – provided your addiction is not so severe. It all depends on your stage of alcoholism. When choosing your treatment center, here are some questions you may want to ask yourself:

  • What treatment types do they offer?
  • Do they also provide medical detox?
  • Are the treatment options tailored to the needs of the patient?
  • Do I get post-withdrawal support as well?
  • Can the center tackle both the physical and mental aspects of withdrawal?
  • What are the success rates of the treatment center?
  • What are my responsibilities and rights while I am under treatment?

Finding the right treatment center may take a bit of research. However, once you find the right match for you, your recovery from the symptoms should end up smoothly.

Benefits of Getting Treatment

When going through alcohol withdrawal, you need all the help that you can get in order to manage your symptoms. Real Deal can offer you all the help necessary, whether you need inpatient or outpatient therapy. Patients will receive medical detox, along with the support necessary to get through the symptoms. Treatments are tailored to your needs as well, so you’ll be able to make a full recovery with the least amount of discomfort possible.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are far from fun – and without the proper treatment, it may be rather difficult to get over them. To prevent a relapse, you need to get the necessary support as early as possible. Contact Real Deal and we will help you take your next step towards sobriety!

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