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Morphine Addiction Treatment Dallas

Morphine has been a very useful analgesic option for those experiencing high-level pain. However, due to its action, it can also be a very addictive and dangerous opioid, which is why it is highly regulated.

Those going through a morphine addiction must seek help as soon as it develops. Both medical detox and long-term drug rehab in an intensive outpatient program are necessary to bring the addiction under control.

What is Morphine?

Morphine is an opiate that occurs naturally in the poppy plant and originates from Southeast Asia. Morphine is often prescribed in hospitals for pain relief. However, due to its potential for opiate addiction and abuse, morphine was given a Schedule II Classification. Taking it without a doctor’s prescription is considered abuse, making it illegal.

Morphine is used to alleviate medium to severe pain in various patients. In most circumstances, morphine is administered through an IV or injection, but it may also be given in pill form.

Morphine may be used on patients undergoing surgery and pain management for patients going through terminal cancer. In certain circumstances, morphine may also provide short-term relief from an injury.

How Morphine Affects the Body

Morphine binds itself to the opioid receptors in the human brain, preventing your nervous system from sending pain signals. This can lead to the absence of pain, deep relaxation, euphoria, and an overall dreamlike state.

Consumption of morphine for more than a month, even under the doctor’s orders, may lead to the following symptoms:

  • Psychomotor impairment

  • Reduced neuroplasticity

  • Lowered reflex response

  • Amygdala gray matter volume decrease

  • Impaired memory is caused by brain synapses that are disrupted

  • Reduced heart rate and respiration as a result of neural activity changes

  • Interference with the way your brain’s chemical messenger handles production, distribution, as well as reabsorption

Administered into the body, morphine can induce a sense of well-being, reducing anxiety as the person feels calm, pain-free, and relaxed.

Treatment For You

Get help with anxiety, depression, or any other debilitating mental health issues.

Treatment For A Loved One

If you aren't interested in group-styled therapy, try our individual therapy. 

What Makes Morphine So Addictive

Through its action, morphine affects the reward system of the brain. As the pain signals are blocked, morphine also triggers a dopamine release – one that we know as the “feel good” neurotransmitter.

Therefore, our brain’s reward system is triggered, prompting us to use the substance again once the effect passes. With time, our brains will get used to this feeling of pleasure to the point where our usual sources of pleasure will no longer be enough.

Cravings will begin to appear, even after the physical pain in the body has passed – the pain that caused the patient to take morphine in the first place. At this point, morphine addiction will begin to set in.

Signs of A Morphine Addiction

Morphine consumption has certain signs telling you that you are dealing with an addiction – and not just your average pain management situation. Here are the signs showing that you’re addicted to morphine:

  • You want to stop using or reduce your morphine intake, but you are not able to
  • You have built a tolerance to morphine, and now you have to take a larger dose in order to feel the same effects
  • You spend a lot of money, effort, and time in order to abuse or recover from your morphine intakes
  • You are experiencing strong urges and cravings for morphine
  • You are neglecting your home or work responsibilities, as you are prioritizing morphine consumption
  • You are putting not only yourself but also other people in dangerous situations, just so you can obtain the morphine
  • You are going through withdrawal each time you stop taking morphine

Morphine addiction can be very dangerous. When a person develops a tolerance, they will begin taking higher and higher doses of morphine. This can make it very easy for the users to experience a morphine overdose.

The Physical Symptoms of Addictions

Morphine addiction has a series of physical symptoms that show up both during the consumption and withdrawal stages. Here is what you may experience when you are addicted:

  • Dilated pupils

  • Slow breathing

  • Decreased heart rate

  • Sleepiness or an overall sensation of lethargy

  • Excessive sweating and chills

  • Muscle aches

  • Stomach cramps

  • Appetite loss

  • Excessive eye tearing

The more your body becomes used to the morphine, the harsher the symptoms may be. This is why long-term morphine abusers must go through medical detox.

The Long-Term Effects

Morphine addiction can have consequences in the long term, long after the withdrawal symptoms have ceased. Cravings might linger for a long time, increasing the patient’s chances of going through a relapse.

Other common long-term effects include frequent constipation, body tremors, kidney problems, and insomnia. Very frequently, a person may also experience depression, as their brain no longer gets that chemical “high” provided by morphine.

Signs of a Morphine Overdose

Morphine, a potent opioid medication, is used for severe pain management. However, misuse can lead to addiction and, in severe cases, an overdose. Recognizing the signs of a morphine overdose is crucial for timely intervention. Symptoms can include shallow or slowed breathing, bluish lips or fingernails, pinpoint pupils, extreme drowsiness, or loss of consciousness. Individuals may sometimes experience muscle flaccidity, low blood pressure, or slowed heart rate.

An overdose can occur due to the misuse of the drug, escalating doses without medical supervision, or combining morphine with other addictive substances like alcohol. It’s important to note that an overdose is a medical emergency requiring immediate attention. If you suspect someone is experiencing a morphine overdose, contact emergency services immediately.

How Morphine Addiction is Treated

At Real Deal Therapy & Wellness in Dallas, we offer comprehensive morphine addiction treatment. Our approach to treatment is multifaceted, incorporating medical detox, medication-assisted treatment, and intensive outpatient programs.

Medical detox is often the first step in treatment, helping patients manage withdrawal symptoms under the supervision of medical professionals. This process ensures the safe removal of the drug from the patient’s system and can alleviate some of the physical discomfort associated with withdrawal.

Following detox, patients transition into our intensive outpatient program. This program provides a structured environment where patients can participate in various therapies, including individual counseling, group therapy, and family therapy. These sessions aim to address the underlying mental health issues that often co-occur with substance use disorders.

Medication-assisted treatment may also be part of the treatment plan. This approach combines medications with behavioral therapies, like those used to ease withdrawal symptoms or curb cravings.

Relapse prevention is a crucial component of our treatment approach. We equip our patients with the skills and strategies to maintain long-term recovery. This includes recognizing triggers, developing healthy coping mechanisms, and building a supportive network.

Our team of caring professionals is dedicated to the well-being of our patients. We understand that each person’s journey to recovery is unique, and we tailor our opioid addiction treatment plans to meet each patient’s needs. Our goal is to provide the support, tools, and therapies necessary for our patients to achieve a successful recovery and improved mental health.

Learn How Real Deal Can Help

Real Deal Therapy & Wellness offers all the necessary treatment options, allowing you to get past your addiction or substance use disorder. We offer anything from medically assisted detox to outpatient and inpatient treatment and long-term support therapy to help you stay clean and prevent a relapse.

If you or a loved one is experiencing a morphine addiction, contact us right away. This way, we can help put an end to the addiction before it affects their life even more.

Visit Us Anytime.

1251 S. Sherman Suite 108

Richardson, TX 75081
