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Benzo Addiction Treatment Dallas

Benzodiazepines, often referred to as benzos, are a class of drugs that can lead to severe addiction, particularly prevalent in Dallas. These substances are notorious for their life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, making detox a critical aspect of treatment. Benzos, distinct from barbiturates, require specialized services for effective cessation. The journey to overcome benzo addiction often involves managing acute withdrawal symptoms under medical supervision, facilitated by treatment centers offering comprehensive addiction treatment programs. These programs often include medical detox, mental health services, and support groups, all aimed at treating benzodiazepine addiction and addressing underlying mental health issues.

What are Benzos? Are They The Same As Barbiturates?

Benzodiazepines, often referred to as benzos, are a category of psychoactive drugs predominantly used to treat anxiety disorders. They are considered safer and more effective than barbiturates, which were previously used for similar purposes. Barbiturates, which were once the go-to for sedation and inducing sleep, act as central nervous system depressants. However, their use has declined due to the rapid development of tolerance, physical dependence, and severe withdrawal symptoms upon abrupt cessation. In extreme cases, barbiturates can even induce coma. The chemical structure of benzodiazepines involves a benzene ring and a diazepine ring, distinguishing them from barbiturates, which are barbituric acid derivatives. Despite their differences, both classes of drugs require careful management due to the risk of misuse and addiction, with treatment centers in Dallas offering specialized services for benzo addiction treatment and benzodiazepine detox.

The History of Benzos & Barbiturates

Benzodiazepines, or benzos, were first synthesized in 1955 by Leo Sternbach, who worked on tranquilizers. Initially deemed a failure, the project was abandoned. However, in 1957, the compound’s beneficial properties as an anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, and muscle relaxant were discovered, leading to its introduction as Librium. Despite recognizing benzodiazepine abuse in the 1980s, these drugs remain widely used due to their effectiveness and minimal side effects.

Barbiturates, on the other hand, have a long history, with the first synthesis occurring in 1864 by German chemist Adolf van Baeyer. The sedative properties of barbital, a type of barbiturate, were discovered in 1903 by German scientists Emil Fischer and Joseph von Mering. It wasn’t until the 1950s that the potential for physical dependence and behavioral effects of barbiturates were recognized. Despite these risks, benzodiazepines and barbiturates are still used under medical supervision, with treatment centers in Dallas offering specialized services for benzo addiction treatment and detox.

Barbiturates on the other hand, were first synthesized in 1864 by a German chemist Adolf van Baeyer. However, it was not until 1903, that the sedative actions of barbital were discovered by the two German scientists, Emil Fischer and Joseph von Mering. It was only in the 1950s that the behavioral effects and physical dependence of barbiturates were recognized.

How They Work: Benzos

Medications like Xanax and other benzodiazepines target the brain's gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps to reduce neuronal excitability. When benzos bind to these receptors, they enhance the effect of GABA, leading to sedative, anti-anxiety, and muscle-relaxing effects. The specific impact of these drugs can vary depending on the type of GABA receptor they interact with and the brain region involved.

How They Work: Barbiturates

Barbiturates interact with GABA receptors but bind at different sites than benzos. In addition to enhancing the inhibitory effects of GABA, barbiturates can also inhibit the action of glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter. This dual action contributes to the potent sedative and hypnotic effects of barbiturates. However, misuse of these drugs can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms, necessitating careful medical supervision and, in some cases, specialized addiction treatment services, such as those offered in Dallas for benzo addiction treatment.

Dependence & Adverse Effects

  • Physical and psychological dependence can develop if the person consumes high doses of the drug for long periods of time. Sudden stopping of the drug can produce severe withdrawal symptoms like confusion, anxiety, sedation, agitation, restlessness, insomnia, depression, and seizures.

    Other adverse effects:

    • Drowsiness and confusion: these two are benzos’ most common side effects. Poor coordination develops at high doses, and the person may be unable to perform tasks requiring fine motor skills.

    • Cognitive impairment has also been noted with the use of benzodiazepines.

    • Decreased libido and erectile dysfunction are also common adverse effect.

    • Depression and disinhibition

The Dangers and Consequences of Misusing Benzos and Barbiturates

The misuse of benzodiazepines, commonly known as benzos, and barbiturates, both addictive substances, can lead to physical and emotional symptoms. When misused, prescription drugs can increase the risk of severe health issues. The benzodiazepine or medical detox process is crucial to avoid these withdrawal symptoms. However, the withdrawal process from benzo misuse can be challenging and may require medical intervention.

Negative Effects of Benzos & Barbiturates

Physical Symptoms

  • Nausea
  • Sweats
  • Racing Heart
  • Muscle Tension and Aches
  • Heart Attack
  • Strokes
  • Seizures

Emotional & Mental Symptoms

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Panic Attacks
  • Poor Concentration and Memory
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Suicidal thoughts


Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Symptoms

Benzo withdrawal can be challenging, particularly for those dependent due to prolonged use or substance abuse. This dependence can lead to a range of withdrawal symptoms when the drug use is reduced or stopped. Understanding these symptoms and seeking help from a treatment center that can provide medical detox and disorder treatment is important. Here are some common symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal:

Anxiety: Anxiety can be a rebound symptom, especially for those initially prescribed benzos for anxiety disorders. The anxiety experienced during withdrawal can be more intense than before the medication was started.

Insomnia: Difficulty falling or staying asleep can occur during withdrawal.

Restlessness and irritability are common withdrawal symptoms and can be quite distressing for the individual and those around them.

Physical symptoms: These can include headaches, muscle pain, sweating, and even seizures in severe cases.

Psychological symptoms: Depression, confusion, and hallucinations can occur, particularly in severe cases of benzo abuse.

Increased sensitivity: This can include heightened sensitivity to light, sound, and touch.

Panic attacks: A panic attack can be a rebound symptom, especially for those who initially received a benzodiazepine prescription for panic disorder.

Remember, benzodiazepine withdrawal can be dangerous if not managed properly. It’s crucial to seek professional help from a treatment center experienced in medical detox and benzodiazepine withdrawal management. Never attempt to stop taking benzodiazepines without medical supervision.

Finding Treatment for Benzo & Barbiturate Addiction

When attempting to come off of benzos & barbiturates, it’s extremely important that you find a detox center. Because withdrawals from these drugs can be deadly, you must find a drug treatment center near you to properly find treatment. At RDTW, we prioritize finding legitimate treatment for those coming off of serious substances like benzos and barbiturates. Reach out today to get started.

Benzo & Barbiturates FAQ's

Below are some quick answers to frequently asked questions about benzos & barbiturates.

  • Alprazolam
  • Clonazepam
  • Diazepam
  • Lorazepam
  • Oxazepam
  • Triazolam
  • Quazepam
  • Flurazepam
  • Estazolam
  • Amobarbital
  • Pentobarbital
  • Phenobarbital
  • Thiopental
  • Secobarbital

The Basic actions of benzos are as follows:

  1. Anxiolytic effects: at low doses, benzos are used to treat anxiety by inhibiting certain neuronal pathways in the brain.
  2. Sedative and hypnotic actions: these drugs produce sedation and hypnosis (artificially induced sleep) at higher doses.
  3. Anticonvulsant properties: most of the drugs in this class are used to treat epilepsy and other seizure disorders.
  4. Anterograde amnesia: these drugs can induce anterograde amnesia. This type of amnesia means that the person is unable to form or retain any new memories.
  5. Muscle relaxant: when given at high doses, benzos reduce the spasticity of the skeletal muscles.
  1. Anxiety disorders: benzodiazepines are the most widely used drugs for anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, Obsessive compulsive disorder, and phobic disorder). These drugs are also used to treat anxiety as part of other disorders like depression and schizophrenia. Continuous benzos use is only recommended for severe anxiety. On the other hand, for other milder forms they should only be used for shorter durations keeping in mind their high addictive potential.
  2. Muscular disorders: diazepam, one of the benzodiazepines is used to treat muscle spasms associated with like multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy.
  3. Amnesia: shorter acting agents in this class are given before uncomfortable procedures like bronchoscopy, endoscopy and certain dental procedures.
  4. Seizures: clonazepam is used to treat certain epileptic disorders while diazepam and lorazepam are used to treat grand mal seizures and status epilepticus.
  5. Sleep disorders: Benzos approved for this use include triazolam, flurazepam, and temazepam.

Both benzos and barbiturates are drugs with addictive properties. Some people are more susceptible to developing an addiction to these drugs than others. Chronic use of these drugs can make a person tolerant of them. This can be problematic for the patient in the long run. A person addicted to these drugs will show signs and symptoms of addiction such as problems sleeping, uncontrollable body movements, can’t stop thinking about the drug, restlessness when they haven’t taken the drug, etc.

Even though benzodiazepines and barbiturates have remarkable uses to treat troublesome conditions like anxiety and insomnia, they can frequently be abused. To avoid this, health care professionals are required to cautiously prescribe these drugs to troubled patients. Some over the counter drugs will test positive for benzodiazepines.

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1251 S. Sherman Suite 108

Richardson, TX 75081
